December 18, 2023
Project update photos of our General RV project in South Weber, Utah! – The team has made significant progress on the underground utilities and prepping the site with concrete blankets as we begin Winter Conditions.…
December 15, 2023
We are excited to have new neighbors at our Eckman HQ! Please give a warm welcome to Cutting Edge, an environmental landscaping services company that provides everything from maintenance and design to holiday lighting and decor.…
December 14, 2023
Project update photos of our Field of Dreams project in Kearns, Utah! Over the last few weeks, the Eckman concrete crew has completed more sidewalk, footings, and slab on grade for Pavilion area.…
December 11, 2023
It’s just as the name says—design-build streamlines the design and building processes into one package, and the major benefit is that the client has a hand in all of it.…
November 21, 2023
Eckman Construction is able to create retail projects that cater to both the needs of customers and the store employees.…